Affiliates! If You Know Anything About Internet Marketing You'll Realize the Power of Bookmarkwiz! -

Now You Can Promote This Tool That Is Already Revolutionizing Internet Marketing! Thousands Will Be Asking for Bookmarkwiz, and It is Now Being Offered To Affiliates!

Pays 45%...Huge Market...Unlimited Potential!

It's no secret that backlinks and social bookmarking is the hottest new trick to getting websites, ebooks and all sorts of offers recognized. Backlinks build credibility with search engines, a relationship with readers and quickly develops a following. The internet content and traffic is estimated to double in the next three years...

And Everyone Who Wants Traffic Is Looking for an Automated Way to Build Backlinks and Drive Traffic to Their Websites!

Imagine the numbers...just look at a quick search of any topic - just one of the thousands that are on the web - then look at the page count - all people trying to promote their sites and offers. It's exploding!

But everyone who does marketing knows it takes time - maybe you've done it for some of your promotions. Now, imagine a tool that can automatically let social bookmarking sites - the top ones - know that you are up for the world to see. Now your offers will not just be listed on the site where you published it but on all of the top bookmarking sites. The increase in immediate traffic is enormous. The backlinks build - automatically - your ranking!

Bookmarkwiz automatically builds backlinks to the top 25 social bookmarking sites, driving traffic to your website or offer.

Are you beginning to see the ramifications for this tool? Every internet marketer can use Bookmarkwiz to drive more traffic...quicker...more sales...quicker! The whole purpose of Bookmarkwiz is to post backlinks to in 25 places with variations available for each backlink. And the result...highly targeted traffic.

So how many internet marketers are out there?
Thousands, Millions?

How many do marketing?
All of them.

How many of them would like a tool to drive traffic to their websites and build backlinks? ALL OF THEM!

The people clamoring for just such a tool - fully automated - is staggering. In prelaunch Bookmarkwiz exceeded expectations and now hundreds are already using it - and experiencing success. But the field is just opening up. Most do not even know about it yet.

Sound like a ground floor opportunity? IT IS!

green 45% of $97 Sales...You make $43.65 off of Each Sale!

green Bookmarkwiz does not have reoccurring monthly fees like many bookmarking programs of this type. Customers will love the onetime cost and FREE updates for life!.

green The price, although structured to handsomely reward you, is far below what others charge.

green It is literally 5 minutes away from use once a person buys it. Your customers will love it.

green New product launch! The market has been primed by costly and far less than perfect competitors. They are looking for something like Bookmarkwiz.

green Professionally designed sales page you can drive traffic to less backing away after your hard efforts.

green It comes with a 60 day guarantee - building stickiness. Very few users have ever wanted a return.

green For anyone doing internet marketing the need for Bookmarkwiz is easy to communicate and understand. It builds backlinks and drives traffic! Your ads will get attention!

green Bookmarkwiz comes with easy to use tutorials - once again taking care of your customers.

Finally, an offer to affiliates that gets you in on the ground floor, that thousands...millions...could use so your market is not limited like with other campaigns and products, that the user understands the need for even before you present it, and that earns you a great commission on every sale!

And we've provided you with ads, articles and PPC ads to begin promoting Bookmarkwiz immediately!

Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page by clicking here!.

If you've been looking for a product to promote that is in great demand and that has a handsome commission, Bookmarkwiz is your answer!

Get started with these PPC ads:


Articles Make Sense For The Bookmarkwiz!

Article Marketing - How to Get Traffic Fast!

Article marketing is the hottest new form of product promotion. In these days when we are concerned about building credibility and showing our expertise articles can lend credence to your offer. Whatever our product or offer we can show its features, benefits and the need for it on the part of our audience through articles.

Internet marketers have quickly realized their value and are jumping on the band wagon in record numbers. There is a good reason: Article marketing is free to accomplish! Sites like EzineArticles and ArticleAlley are flourishing with authors who are promoting anything from aromatherapy to zebra pants. They write what they know, hook a link to their website or sales page and wait for traffic to come pouring in.

Traffic comes, but depending on how prolific a writer you are and your topic it can be a "watch and wait" game. Article marketing is free, it showcases you as an authority giving your offer legitimacy, but it takes time to build a following. There lies the problem: How do you drive traffic to your articles, which in and of themselves have value, so that others see your promo?

Since the numerous article sites have popped up so have social bookmarking sites. These act like a card catalog in a library. They display a teaser about your article, contain keywords and a title and occasionally a short bio on you. The benefit to them is that they provide a backlink to your article which contains a link to your website or sales page. The more backlinks the more Google and other search engines like you, plus the more others will stumble upon your article through the social bookmarking sites themselves.

But herein lies another problem: going to all of those social bookmarking sites, logging in and then manually entering your article information takes time - hours. And if you want to write a lot of articles to build your following quickly all of those individual articles need to be bookmarked. More time, more work... more hours you don't have and work you don't need.

The answer to all of this lies in using an automated bookmarking software which, once loaded with your article information only once, distributes your information to numerous bookmarking sites. Once it is set up it takes literally five minutes to do what used to take you hours, and probably is more comprehensive than you would want to tackle manually.

Automated bookmarking software is the wave of the future for anyone who uses articles to promote themselves and their products. It doesn't matter your target audience since it runs off of keywords. The possibilities are endless. And if used properly everyone who tries it boasts of the instant increase in traffic.

➡️Hook your affiliatelink, website url or profile with your affiliatelink here ⬅️

Article Marketing Made Easy

Article marketing is a great way to build your following and promote your business, but all articles are alike in the fact that they have to be found before they are any good to the marketer. Traditionally this takes time and patience and you'd be surprised how many article marketers simply put their posts on an article website and then just wait for the traffic to find them. Being that internet marketers are in a hurry to make a living it can be frustrating and a practice in faith before sales start showing up.

Like anything else on the internet, article marketing is a numbers game. Get up enough articles - consistently - develop a big enough presence and the sales will start as enough people follow your link.

So how do you take advantage of article marketing and its benefits but build a following and increase the speed of coming sales? The simple solution is to use social bookmarking sites. These are sites which allow you to post links to your articles, use keywords and generate traffic to your work. They are kind of like a freeway off ramp; signs which direct traffic to your articles which links to your product page. You do not store your entire article on them, only teaser copy, titles, and a link to your article. Like a freeway road sign which captures traffic attention and directs people into a town, bookmarking sites catch your reader's attention and point to your articles. Just as importantly they grab the attention of search engines which link back to your article and eventually to your sales page. Attention is a good thing! It helps to get your article ranked higher in the search pages and therefore your offer is seen more often.

Bookmarking sites do require submissions, however. It takes time to enter your title, keywords, a brief description and sometimes an author's bio on each site for each article that you publish. Internet marketers hate wasting time - that is probably why banner ads and PPC ads are still so popular even though, at least with banners, the clickthrough rate is usually about .5% (that's half a percent for the number of times shown).

What if you could get a 15% or more clickthrough rate and promote your articles automatically?

The solution? Bookmarking software programs!

Enter your article information in once and press the button. Your article automatically gets submitted to numerous bookmarking sites all at once. Not only does this save you hours of monotonous work but your articles instantly will enjoy a huge traffic increase.

Social bookmarking software programs are not all alike, however. They need to be automatic - enter the info once and forget it. They should also get past captcha guards on the bookmarking sites. They should also allow you to enter in a string of phrases or keywords which the software rotates through to submit your article more than once under different email addresses.

If you can find a social bookmarking program that is automatic and does all of the above, you've found a program that will save you time and make you money. You'll love the ease of use. Better still you'll love the increase in traffic, greater presence on the web, and as we all know...increased presence equals increased sales!

➡️Hook your affiliatelink, website url or profile with your affiliatelink here⬅️

Social Bookmarking Software: The Auto Traffic Program

Bookmarking has become a trick used by the most savvy internet marketers who favor and use article marketing. It builds backlinks to your articles very quickly, which search engines like, but it also lets the world know you've written and published an article about your website, product offering or eBook and it does so in numerous places - something the general public likes.

When you publish an article offering your expertise with a link to your sales page or website you can, over time, develop a following and be seen as an expert in your field. What you don't have time for, once you've published your articles, is for the world to find you. You want to make a sale. You need traffic to your articles to make that sale, and that is where bookmarking comes in.

Bookmarking your articles requires that you show bookmarking sites - websites where authors can post article topics and links to their articles - a title, a little teaser about your article, keywords and often an authors biography. While you can sit in front of your computer and do this all day with the many bookmarking sites out there, manually putting in information for every article you publish, the fast and easy way to do this is with an automated bookmarking software package. These slick tools let you enter your article information in once and in an instant bookmarking sites are told where to find your words of wisdom, your latest tips or "how to" suggestions. No longer do you need to manually feed information into bookmarking sites, the software does it for you with the press of a button.

Since article marketing has become so popular there have been several companies that have come out with bookmarking software programs. Here is what you need to know before you invest in one, however, as all bookmarking programs are definitely not the same:

Are there any ongoing fees? Most bookmarking software programs have an upfront cost to download the program, but then they also charge you a monthly flat fee or a fee based on the number of times you use it. Stay away from the backend fees. It can get expensive fast.

Where does the software bookmark your articles? Some bookmarking sites are better than others, at least in the eyes of Google and other search engines. The lower quality sites are often discounted by search engines. You want your software to bookmark to only the highest quality bookmarking sites.

Does your software leave an untraceable footprint back to you? If you put up a few articles and suddenly flood the bookmarking sites with information you could get banned when they see the information coming from one author. Smart programs cloak your submissions so your information arrives anonymously.

Is the program you are considering truly automatic? You want software that gets around captcha boxes found on many bookmarking sites. You also want it to set up your account automatically so you do not have to spend hours doing this. "Automatic" really doesn't live up to its name if you have to tend to it constantly. You also don't want a program that is complicated to set up. If it is, you might as well have manually submitted all of your article information.

Good, automatic bookmarking programs are really promising and can dramatically boost your traffic. Keep in mind these simple guidelines when looking for a program and you'll enjoy fast traffic, easy marketing and increased sales.

➡️Hook your affiliatelink, website url or profile with your affiliatelink here⬅️

>Email Marketing!

Subject1: The Case Against Automatic Linking Software...

Subject2: Sneaky (Automated) SEO Tricks...

Subject3: Easy (Automatic) Social Bookmarking Traffic..


I've been playing with some of the "automated" backlink tools on the market... With mixed results.
I've used all of the usual suspects in the past (Bookmarking Demon, SENuke, etc.) and if you use them the right way they can be a pretty easy way to gain some fast backlinks and traffic, but a lot of people tend to go overboard and end up hurting their rankings more than they help.
Beyond that, there's 2 major issues that really hurt people trying to take advantage of these tools...
The first one is PRICE. Most of this stuff runs anywhere from around $160 upfront, a lot of it runs over $100 a month, and that's a big obstacle for a lot of people.
The second is TIME. Most of these tools take hours or even weeks to learn, and even when you figure out how to run them, the actual submissions aren't 100% automatic...
Here's a workaround to solve all of these problems.
-It's inexpensive...
-It's easy. It has a learning curve of literally about 10 minutes, and once you set it up it really does run automatically, including automatic captcha entry , submissions, pinging... It does it all in the background.
-It only focuses on high quality sites, meaning you won't be building up a bunch of worthless spam links...
-It's got some amazing training resources, including a complete guide to using it the right way as well as a members forum so even if you've never used software like it before you can get started with only the most effective linking strategies.
A lot of people are experiencing some pretty amazing results with it when other software has failed them in the past.
You can read the success stories on the website...
And if you want to grab a copy, you can use the coupon code WARRIOR to knock 10% off of the price...
But it's only good for 48 hours.
Check out what people are saying at --AFFKINK--, and if it looks like something you'd like to try, use coupon code WARRIOR right above the download button. Enjoy!
P.S. One member is calling it "the most powerful tool in his arsenol"... Find out why at --AFFLINK-- and use coupon code WARRIOR for a 10% discount.

If banner marketing is your thing, here you go!

Your banners are what you can use on your blog, website, forums, newsletters or even through paid advertising. You can also use them in banner exchange programs!

336280 3362802

There you have it - a product the entire world of internet marketers is waiting for, great commissions, unlimited demand and support.

But if you don't market BookMarkWiz the competition will - and make money...lots of money...doing so.

Still have questions? click here! for our FAQ page!.

So what's stopping you?

green It can't be the product - this is great! Automatic and easy!

green It can't be the demand - every internet marketer in the world can use it! Every internet marketer wants backlinks!

green It can't be the commission - 45% of $97!

green It can't be the competition - others charge twice as much and still require a monthly fee. Your customers will eat this up!

green It can't be the charge backs - with so much support, even a chat room and personal replies - your customers will be satisfied!

green And did we mention the free upgrades? BookMarkWiz will not become outdated!